Familiarizing yourself with the products that make up a stair case is the first aspect of determining whether your stair case can be upgraded or a full replacement is necessary. The treads, stringers, risers, hand rail, and pickets make up most stair cases. They may be covered with carpeting and a partial carpet removal may be needed to determine what type of materials your stair case was constructed with. Treads can only be refinished if they are oak or pine and depending on the damage the carpet installation has done to them. The risers are the vertical part of the stairs. Depending upon the original construction material a veneer or suitable covering can be applied directly over the existing riser to give a paintable surface. A fresh coat of paint for the stringers, and stain or paint for the spindles can turn that dirty carpeted stair way into a show case for your home. If your home already has that hardwood stair case add a runner for a sophisticated look that really makes your stair case pop. Call today for your free consultation with a You Call We Install Pro.